I am trying to find myself into art.
In this journey, the challenges will never stop, films are a vision of the human imagination it offers the chance to dwell into worlds that otherwise never exist, this is the thought that feeds my passion for cinema and film-making.

Honored to meet His Majesty King Abdullah II at the Royal Film Commission, to talk about the experience in the film industry and the aspirations for the field in Jordan. Nov ,2017

Film winner in Youth creativity competition by SIGI - Jordan. August ,2020

Film winner in the special prize in PLURAL+ young Video Festival in New York. November ,2019

A jury member of the first School Film Club in Jordan - March ,2019

Represent Jordanian female documentary directors at ‘Women in Film” Panel Discussion with women filmmakers at the European film festival. November ,2017
Attend Sheffield Documentary Film Festival as part of the Jordanian delegation led by the Royal Film Commission and British Council. June ,2016

Attend Edinburgh International Film Festival and to be a speaker on behalf of Jordanian filmmakers as part of the Jordanian delegation led by the Royal Film Commission, British Council and the Scottish Institute. June ,2016

Film winner in a national competition by the Royal Film Commission and LG Company. Dec ,2015